
Archive for January 2011

Firefox 4 is out with another beta, and this one has mostly bug fixes—more than 1,000 of them, actually. But Mozilla has simplified and improved the process for setting up syncing between desktop and mobile browsers.

Mozilla’s servers offer up downloads of Firefox 4 beta 8 (for Windows and Mac, and other languages/OS on the FTP server), but their home page for the beta, and “Check for updates,” hasn’t quite caught up (we’ll update the post when it does). In the meantime, grab the more stable version of Firefox 4 and tell us what you think in the comments.

Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 8 Fixes

via Firefox 4 Beta 8 Available for Download, Improves Syncing Setup.

Press this is great utility to publish on your blog the blog post you like from various blogs.I have started using this utility and it saves lot of time.I will be using this more often to provide rich content to this blog.

Press This provides a lightning-fast way to grab text, images, or video from any website and post it to your blog without ever visiting WordPress.com. You can also use Press This to quickly share a link on your blog.

It only takes a second to get the Press This mini-application going. Simply go to Tools -> Tools in your dashboard and find the link to the bookmarklet:

Next, drag the Press This link to the bookmarks/favorites area of your web browser. (It may look different than what’s pictured below, depending on your browser.)

Using Press This

Let’s say you come across a great blog post about landscape photography, and you want to quickly share a few of the author’s tips with your own blog readers, without reproducing the entire post. Simply highlight the material with your cursor and then click the Press This bookmarklet in your browser.

Or maybe you just want to quickly share a link to a website, without reproducing any of the content in your own post. In that case, just click the Press This bookmarklet while you’re viewing the webpage.

Press This will appear in a pop-up window. You’ll have the option to add images, video, and/or your own commentary to the post before publishing it to your blog. If you have multiple blogs, use the drop-down menu to choose where to publish the content.

Adding Images and Video

To include images, click the picture frame icon. You’ll see a selection of all the images from the webpage. Select the one you like and click Insert Image. If you like, use the HTML tab to edit it. Use the filmstrip icon to add video.

via Press This « Support — WordPress.com.

Your Windows password is your first line of defense against someone getting deeper into your system. It’s not uncrackable, but you can make it tougher by adding a space—which, oddly enough, Windows is cool with.

That tip comes from (starred) commenter Java-Princess, who notes that Windows passwords not only allow ASCII characters that require key combos, but also spaces. Many password guessers might never guess at a space bar, because so few password systems allow them. And with spaces randomly inserted into a password, you could, as Java-Princess suggests, even write down your password, just omitting the spaces.

Security firm Symantec, in a post about Windows password myths, also supports the use of spaces, especially in the middle of a password to separate two uncommon words. Symantec does note that those close enough to listen to you type in your password might hear the distinct thwack of a keyboard, so you’d want to be discrete when you’re feeling wary.

There could also be drawbacks to using spaces as your Windows password if you’re trying to connect remotely to your system—we haven’t tested it out yet, but feel free to let us know, sysadmin types. Otherwise, consider giving your Windows password some space.

Use spaces in a Windows password

via Use Spaces in Your Windows Password for Extra Security.

Wolframalpha is a computational knowledge engine which helps in doing complex calculations.It works by translating word inputs into mathematical symbols and doing the calculations. It does great job for guys like me who have stopped using mathematical calculations since graduation.

I tested Wolframalpha by converting 1Cent to square meters, it gave accurate results.I didn’t give the value as length but it still guessed right as Indian Cent and converted to square meters. It was great because I thought the software would take cent as American cent and would give an incorrect calculation, but the software came out victorious by giving the correct answer.

I would recommend this website to anyone who has to do complex calculations within short time frame.

Checkout Wolframalpha “the computational knowledge engine”.

via Techpiper.com.

Lifehacker.com provides some great useful information, especially for windows. The freeware section provides some great resources to maintain our websites and PC.

Firefox: DownThemAll, your favorite download manager for Firefox, has just officially updated to 2.0, bringing a host of new features as well as support for the soon-to-be-released Firefox 4.

If you’ve been rocking the Firefox 4 betas for awhile, you’ve probably been missing the download-supercharging powers or DownThemAll, but no more. We took a look at the 2.0 beta a while ago, but now that version is complete, bringing with it speed limits, mirror management, private browsing support, Flash and HTML5 video grabbing, and much more.

Of course, it still has all our favorite old features, too, like being able to download every image, MP3, or other file from a page as well as increasing your download speed by splitting up files. Whether you’re a longtime user of DownThemAll or not, this is one to check out, no matter which version of Firefox you’re currently using.

DownThemAll is a free download, works wherever Firefox does.

via DownThemAll! 2.0 Brings Powerful Download Management to Firefox 4.

Onlywire is a service which helps webmasters to post to multiple social bookmarking sites, automatically.I was searching for such an application, which would help to boost my backlinks and improve search rankings of my blog.

After registering to Onlywire add services to your publishing list by entering the username and password of each social media you want to post to.Download and install Onlywire desktop application. This application posts automatically to social media every 10 minutes.You can also install onlywire plugin to your wordpress blog to help your readers to spread your posts.

Many SEO websites are using Onlywire.The free version of Onlywire posts automatically to 40 social media,on one condition,you should be a member of all these websites.

Visit Onlywire to learn more

via Post automatically to multiple social media via Onlywire | Techpiper.com.

In 2011 I will be blogging more taking inspiration from wordpress.com. Blogging more often can bring in more visitors and provide great platform to interact.At puzzlehacker.wordpress.com I will try to post more often. Do visit and have a healthy conversation.

There is a saying among writers: to write more, write more. The hardest part of blogging isn't the tools – it's what goes on between your ears. Many people start blogs with excitement, but lose courage when facing the blank post page, or chicken out before hitting publish. Here at WordPress.com, we know. And we're here to help. Announcing DailyPost.WordPress.com Starting today, you can go to dailypost.wordpress.com for inspiration, encouragement … Read More

via WordPress.com News

I was checking around for ways to republish blog posts I liked, and I stumbled upon this awesome post. I would be using this option from wordpress quite often from now on, so that I can post frequently without having to write a whole new post on the subject.Thank you WordPress!

We All Like to Reblog Have you ever come across a blog post that you enjoyed so much you wanted to easily share it with the readers of your own blog? Sure, you can copy and paste the link and perhaps even a snippet of text with your own comments, but overall it's not a particularly enjoyable experience. We wanted to change this and make sharing other posts with your readers as easy as posting to your blog. Today we're introducing a new like and reblog feature enabled … Read More

via WordPress.com News

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